07 July, 2009

Early, prolific Fassbinder in Peru

As Jean-Luc Godard once said: “How don’t they want him to die young, if he created alone the essential New German Cinema?” The French master was talking about his colleague Rainer Werner Fassbinder, who not only did 43 films during his short career, but also worked as an actor during the important moment that the German cinema lived between the 60’s and the 80’s.

For this great contribution also for the world cinema, Fassbinder is being remembered in Lima, Peru, for his early movies, in a retrospective called “Der erste Fassbinder” (the first Fassbinder) in the PUCP San Miguel, one of the main universities in the city.

Until the 23rd of July, the program includes the many movies he shot between 1969 and 1970, like “Liebe ist kälter als der Tod” (1969), “Katzelmacher” (1969), “Die Niklashauser Fahrt” (1970) and “Der amerikanische Soldat” (1970).

Entrances are free, but reservations are needed:

See details about the retrospective here.

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